Bouncer: il rimedio ai malware Android?

Importanti novità, a proposito di un argomento delicato per il mondo Android, come quello dei malware. A quanto pare, infatti, Google dà per introdurre sul market ufficiale Bouncer, un controller che consentirà di filtrare in modo non invasivo le nuove entrate nello store.

La conferma giunge proprio dal blog ufficiale di Google: “The service performs a set of analyses on new applications, applications already in Android Market, and developer accounts. Here’s how it works: once an application is uploaded, the service immediately starts analyzing it for known malware, spyware and trojans. It also looks for behaviors that indicate an application might be misbehaving, and compares it against previously analyzed apps to detect possible red flags. We actually run every application on Google’s cloud infrastructure and simulate how it will run on an Android device to look for hidden, malicious behavior. We also analyze new developer accounts to help prevent malicious and repeat-offending developers from coming back”. Potremmo dunque essere ad una svolta nella difficile battaglia contro la diffusione dei malware Android.
