Motorola 360, ecco la precisazione sulla batteria

Sono stati sollevati diversi dubbi, in questi giorni, per quanto concerne la batteria del Motorola 360, che a quanto pare è effettivamente pari a 320 mAh e non 300 mAh come invece affermato da alcuni addetti ai lavori.

Ecco la replica di Motorola:

“The typical battery capacity for Moto 360 is 320mAh and the minimum is 300mAh. In the mobile industry, sometimes both the minimum and typical capacity is listed on the battery, with the typical capacity quoted as the official battery size. Both figures are included on the batteries of our Moto X, Moto E and Moto G devices. In the case of smaller devices, we aren’t always able to list both figures. For Moto 360, we only had room for one figure and choose to list the minimal capacity of the battery. We see how this can be confusing and we will look into ways to add the typical capacity as well in the future”.