Apple batte Samsung in tribunale

Sono notizie interessanti, quelle che giungono in queste ore a proposito della continua battaglia legale tra Apple e Samsung. A differenza di quanto affermato dal colosso coreano, l’azienda di Cupertino ha violato alcun brevetto, per quanto concerne la connessione 3G.

Tema delicato, dunque, ma che al momento vede trionfare ancora una volta Apple. Questo quanto affermato da un esperto del settore, come Florian Mueller: “Apple is licensed by extension since it purchases baseband chips from Qualcomm, and Samsung’s attempt to terminate its license agreement with Qualcomm as far as third-party beneficiary Apple is concerned failed because Samsung had made a commitment to ETSI, the standards body in charge of 3G, that it would grant irrevocable licenses to its 3G/UMTS essential patents. So far, Samsung has not been able to prevail with any of its offensive claims against Apple anywhere on this planet. Today’s ruling is only the latest in a series of losses”.
