Aggiornamenti Lollipop da Samsung: parla un dipendente dell’azienda

Importanti novità quelle che giungono da Samsung. Oltre all’articolo di poco fa relativo alla mail inviata ai rivenditori, registriamo quanto detto da un dipendente (verificato) del colosso coreano su Reddit sugli aggiornamenti Lollipop.

Ecco il suo intervento:

“I am employed by Samsung, and today they sent out an email to all stores in preparation for the new quarter and the new year. In that email, they said that we need to start preparing our devices for the Lollipop update, and gave instructions on how to prepare.

Unfortunately no dates in this email, however there has been some information that’s slipped through the cracks.

Last I heard, S5’s are getting the most attention for the update and will be the first target for launch, followed by the Note 4 and Edge. After that, they are expecting the Note 3 and S4 to be the next wave, and then after that attention will turn to tablets”.

Insomma, a breve toccherà al Samsung Galaxy Note 3 e al Samsung Galaxy S4.