Google Chrome OS: testiamolo dalla Pendrive

Continuiamo a parlare di Google Chrome OS, il nuovissimo sistema operativo che il colosso dei motori di ricerca ha presentato la scorsa settimana. Di seguito spiegheremo come testare una copia molto più stabile del sistema operativo, effettuando il boot da una pendrive.

Per prima cosa sarà necessario effettuare il download di una copia del sistema operativo, in rete ne circolano ormai tantem noi vi segnaliamo questa che è molto più stabile e adatta per questo tipo di operazione: (si tratta di un file torrent, il download è piuttosto rapido).

Di seguito riportiamo le istruzione per l’installazione e l’avvio da pendrive per Windows, Mac e Linux:

Utenti Windows (inglese):

Download Image Writer for Windows ( and extract the program. Launch the program, and select the image (chromiumos.img) and your USB drive letter from the drop down box. Click “Write”.

The install image will then be copied to the drive. Once it’s done, close the program and you can then boot from the USB drive.

Utenti Mac (inglese):

Firstly, unmount the drive you want to install Chromium OS to. Place the downloaded file onto your desktop. Open System Profiler, click USB on the list at the side and then select the entry that represents your USB disk. Now look for the BSD Name column (

Remember what is written here. In my case, it is disk1, but in yours it may be different. Take care here as if you get it wrong, it could seriously mess things up. Once you have this, open up Terminal and type the following commands.

cd Desktop

tar -zxvf chromiumos.tar.gz

cd chromiumos

For the next command, replace X with the name of the disk you found earlier, ie disk1.

sudo dd if=chromiumos.img of=/dev/X bs=4m

This command will ask you to enter your password (the same one you enter when installing software for example), type it in and press enter. This command will take a while to run, about 20 minutes for me, and then will give you your shell prompt back once it has finished. Once it has, you can remove your USB drive and boot from it (but not on your Mac because I’ll tell you now that won’t work, yes I tried it).

Utenti Linux (inglese):

Extract chromiumos.img and run the following command in the same directory as the file, where X is the device name of your USB drive.

sudo dd if=chromiumos.img of=/dev/X bs=4M

Once the command finishes, you can then boot from the USB drive.
