Honor 8, supporto software per almeno 24 mesi

Avete messo nel mirino un Honor 8? Bene, allora vi farà piacere sapere che il produttore assicurerà al nuovo smartphone Android aggiornamenti continui per almeno due anni.

Questo quanto dichiarato proprio in questi giorni da un membro del team Honor, vale a dire Wimberly:

“Our customers asked for enhanced software support and we are going to deliver.

Honor is committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers.

From this year we are making a commitment to provide customers with access to new features (at least once every three months during the first 12 months) for up to 24 months following each product launch. We will keep providing access to security and software updates to fix bugs and enhance user experience in a timely manner. Beyond this period we will continue to provide updates in response to any threats to user safety and security. Our goal is to ensure customers have the best and safest possible experience on their Honor device”.

Insomma, ampie garanzie al pubblico che deciderà di acquistare un Honor 8.