Migliori giochi gratis per Android: disponibile LEGO ULTRA AGENTS Antimatter

Arriva direttamente dal Play Store un gioco gratuito per gli amanti di Lego, visto che ora è disponibile per gli appassionati del genere LEGO ULTRA AGENTS Antimatter. 

Queste le caratteristiche del gioco:

ULTRA AGENT – we thought we had defeated the Super Villains menacing Astor City, but they were just a distraction from the real threat behind them:

ANTIMATTER! He will stop at nothing until he has turned every good citizen bad. ANTIMATTER’s powerful weapons and henchmen are like nothing we tackled before!

The stakes are the highest they have ever been, AGENT: we are giving you access to every new technology we have. Find out the source of this evil and defeat it before it’s too late.

– More fantastic Interactive Graphic Episodes!
– New exciting games!
– Discover the true threat to Astor City by uncovering new clues!
– Fantastic new vehicles, gadgets and equipment!
– Uncover building instructions for exclusive ULTRA AGENTS mini-models!
– Coming Soon: Use your ULTRA AGENTS APP BRICK gadgets to discover amazing secrets!

Vi lasciamo al link al download presente nel Play Store.