Migliori giochi per Android gratis: disponibile Neon Battlegorund

Ha fatto il suo esordio all’interno del Play Store un nuovo e apprezzabile sparatutto. Stiamo parlando di Neon Battlegorund, il cui download è tra le altre cose gratuito.

Queste nel dettaglio le specifiche del gioco:

• ONLINE MULTI PLAYER BATTLES: Invite your friends, compete and battle against six other players from all over the world, any hour of the day or night online.

• SPACE BATTLESHIPS: Chose from twelve different neon battleships from the fast and agile Scout class to the menacing and dangerous Titan class.

• BATTLESHIP UPGRADES: Collect gold coins by destroying other players to buy faster, stronger and more powerful ships. Earn skill points earned in battle to improve the unique abilities of your battleship including health to laser blaster speed.

• BATTLESHIP BOOSTERS: Accelerate and maintain your ascent to champion and get an advantage over your enemies and opponents on each and every battleground by selecting boosters before each battle.

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