OnePlus One, ecco i tempi di Android L

Il tanto atteso OnePlus One sarà in prima linea per quanto concerne il rilascio degli aggiornamenti, anche in riferimento ad Android L, considerando quanto affermato in questi giorni da un membro dello staff.

Ecco quanto emerge dal forum ufficiale del team:

So a lot – I mean, a lot – of people are asking about whether we’ll be getting on the Android L train. It was announced while I was asleep and when I got back to work the morning after, there were already a bunch of forum posts and (strangely) customer support requests about it.

Well, we’re keen to announce today that the OnePlus One will indeed be getting the L treatment. When, you ask? That depends on Google. We promise to have it done within three months of their releasing a final build.

Insomma, tre mesi dall’esordio sul mercato e l’aggiornamento sarà disponibile.