Paranoid, bloccato il progetto Halo

Arrivano continuamente aggiornamenti per una delle ROM più popolari tra gli utenti Android, vale a dire la Paranoid. Allo stesso tempo, le prossime release potrebbero escludere l’evoluzione del progetto Halo.

Questo quanto affermato da un esponente del progetto:

“Ok Guys! Before the riots start about Halo’s death, let’s analyze a bit the situation. Some months ago, back to 2.99 versions some of you never realized the way you enjoyed Android would change with Halo. Yes it was revolutionary! Now in KitKat days, Android’s concept has improved the way we face to certain situations (like immersive). That evolution in AOSP moved the team to reinvent us in a manner some thought it was impossible. I only beg one thing, please wait to what’s to come. If you loved Halo you will love whatever will come to your phones. And if you don’t there will be 10+ kangs with old Halo. By the way, remember that most of the team used Halo daily and really understood its benefits!”.

Staremo a vedere se le cose andranno effettivamente così.