Samsung abbandona Symbian e passa a Bada

Il 2010 sarà un anno pieno di novità, soprattutto su un settore molto attivo come quello mobile. Il colosso Samsung Electronics proseguirà la strada intrapresa nel 2009, continuando a produrre nuovi terminali basati sia sulla piattaforma Google Android che su Windows Mobile.

Secondo le parole del vice presidente Don Lee Joo, Samsung conniuerà a produrre i terminali basati su Android e Windows Mobile, abbandonando del tutto la vecchia piattaforma Symbian, il suo posto verrà preso dal nuovissimo sistema operativo completamente sviluppato dalla casa coreana, Samsung Bada.

Secondo le stime fatte dal Don Lee Joo:

Samsung arriverebbe a produrre oltre 200 milioni di terminali per il 2009, questi dati sarebbero destinati a salire del 10 – 20% per il 2010 grazie anche allo sviluppo di nuovissime tecnologie. Samsung è attualmente il top vendor per il mercato dei dispositivi mobile per un certo numero di mercati tra cui: USA, Gran Bretagna, Francia, Russia, Paesi Bassi e Cile.

Ecco cosa è Bada (inglese):

Samsung bada is a new open platform that enables a richer user experience in applications on Samsung mobile devices.

Samsung’s expertise in the mobile field

Samsung has about 20 years of experience in delivering the best-in-class mobile technology and devices to consumers across the globe.
Throughout its history, Samsung has focused on delivering a truly unique and innovative mobile experience, while upholding the highest standards of quality to consumers. Samsung bada is a culmination of Samsung’s deep expertise and experience in the mobile industry.

Purpose of bada

More and more people want rich and connected application-experiences that are currently available only for smartphone consumers. Samsung has developed bada to make these exclusive smartphone experiences available to everyone.

Key features of bada

Samsung design principles aim to deliver simple, intuitive, and innovative user experiences through innovative visual design. Samsung bada includes a next generation UI framework with feature sets and design elements that facilitate leading-edge user interfaces for every bada application.

Consumer demand for service-based applications is growing. Samsung bada includes integrated support for service-oriented features to enable the development of connected applications. Samsung bada developers can implement various service features in applications without the high learning curve required by previous platforms.

Samsung bada encourages the integration of common experiences and functions across application. Extensible core functions include a dialer, messaging, and address book, which applications can freely use.

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