Saygus V2, uscita in ritardo: ecco perchè

Tempo fa abbiamo parlato del cosiddetto Saygus V2, dispositivo Android che presenterà caratteristiche decisamente interessanti, ma che allo stesso tempo è destinato ad esordire sul mercato in ritardo, precisamente il prossimo 22 maggio.

L’azienda ha spiegato in queste ore le motivazioni:

  1. We have had some delays in production due to imperfect components and an antenna design issue and we refuse to use inferior components in our smartphone.

  2. We are working to finalize some key distribution partnerships that may alleviate some of the VAT costs.

  3. The integration of the industry leading cameras we have in the phone has taken a little longer than anticipated.

We officially announce our shipping date as May 22, 2015.

In exchange for your patience, and to say thank you, we will offer all of our current customers an added bonus. Customers will receive a complimentary SqGl (pronounced “Squiggle”) headset—a $229 retail value—as a FREE accessory.

In compenso, gli acquirenti otterranno in omaggio le cuffie SqGl.